Friday, February 14, 2014

Food Porn!

I have some reservations about the way we've started to use "porn" to describe anything people are really really enthusiastic about.  I even read a blog post the other day referring to the Westminster Kennel Club dog show as "puppy porn," which kind of creeps me out.  It seems to me that overusing the word makes porn itself more mainstream, less shocking, more shrug-inducing, which may also make the negative aspects of porn more palatable in the zeitgeist.  But in the case of food, it seems closer to appropriate, to me at least.  Food, like sex, is about appetite: it's often, anyway, about what we want in a deep libidinal irrational way.

With that in mind, I'm a huge fan of the blog "food porn daily," which every day posts a photo taken from one of hundreds of food blogs. The photos (of all different kinds of food) are luscious, and they inspire me to cook and bake and mix and eat better. They also usually provide a link to a recipe, but that almost seems besides the point. As the blog's authors say, "We provide links to recipes whenever possible, but we do not believe they are crucial to the experience. Let these photos inspire your cooking. Use your cooking fundamentals, reference the interwebs, and trust your instincts. Most importantly, have fun!"

There's something funny about that, though, isn't there? That a photo of food should be satisfying and inspirational? I wonder if this would be the case for me if I didn't have enough to eat on a regular basis. If I had to scramble for calories to get me through the day--if I were starving, or close to it, in other words--would these photos just make me angry or frustrated? As is, I do sometimes follow through on a recipe from the blog, but I often find them disappointing: the photo is usually much tastier than the reality.

Here's one of their posts that I've been saving, for creamy mascarpone polenta with sauteed leeks, endive, pancetta, and a poached egg:


  1. "Puppy porn" puts me off as well but I would be lying if I said I didn't use the phrase "food porn." Some pictures look so delicious it seems ok to say they're "porn." However, most of my favorite meals looked far from perfect. Maybe some foods are just to look at and others are just to devour!

  2. I do find the phrase "food porn" strange, but am absolutely guilty of using it, as I do find it applicable in certain situations. Perhaps this conundrum has to do with the fact that often the images featured on food porn websites are incredibly decadent and not what the average person eats on a day to day basis (just clicked onto the website and was greeted with pumpkin beer risotto with coffee and chocolate stout ribs- perfect example), just as the images featured in typical pornography are often idealistic or unreal in terms of the average person's personal experience.

  3. I agree that food and sex is experienced similarly - with that in mind maybe one should reserve "porn" for only these two occasions. But more than that, I see porn as specifically relating to the consuming of an image, and images of food, like images of sex, evokes pleasure. Furthermore, porn becomes porn when it depicts un-simulated sexual events - does this have anything to do with "food porn?" Either way poached eggs always look sexy and sexual to me so perhaps the phrase is appropriate.

  4. Puppy porn should not be a thing, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't go on every day! I feel that the addition of "porn" to food is more in sorts with the fact that there are more food voyeurs. Those who just want to look, but not actually do all the work in terms of cooking and preparing. Personally, however, I surf food porn (especially for ideas and to find recipes. It might mean different things to different people.

  5. I don't see the problem with puppy porn or food porn or with the word porn itself. To me, just like the typical porn is supposed to put you in the mood for sex, 'food porn' inspires me to cook, 'puppy porn' inspires me to have compassion for animals, and 'jewelry porn' (a particular favorite of mine) inspires me to create jewelry.
