Sunday, May 4, 2014

Food and Stress

As we all hit finals head on, stress levels campus-wide double (or perhaps even triple). 
In my two years here, I've found that sometimes it can be extremely difficult to get food in the dining hall that doesn't make me feel worse than I already do. 
Also stress eating is a real thing!

Here are some foods and drinks that you can stress eat and are ~supposedly~ helpful when tensions are high: 

1. Bananas and avocado - for their potassium
2. Tea - very calming 
3. Swiss chard and spinach - for magnesium
4. Fish (such as salmon and tuna) - for omega-3 fats
5. Carrots - better to munch on than chips (which admittedly I devour when I'm stressed out)
6. Milk - there are so many vitamins even in a small glass of milk
7. Nuts - once again, better than junk food having vitamins and protein
8. Dark chocolate - a mild stimulant

I know I'll be trying some of these out, and hopefully the dining halls do too! 

As the last post of the semester, I have to say this was a great semester and I loved being in a class with all of you. I was very nervous about taking this class (first English class at Smith) but it was definitely worth it and I have you all to thank. 

Hope you're all not too stressed this week and as for finals, may the odds be ever in your favor. 

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