Sunday, March 9, 2014

My Idea of Junk Food

My Idea of Junk Food
This last week has been a tough one in my house. Everyone has been sick and eating Jello... A person can eat only so much Jello before they can't stand to see the wobbly dance it does on their spoon. Not to mention the limited generic flavors of cherry, orange and lime. Yuck!
So, when I finally felt better and substantially more hungry than Jello could satisfy, I called for my idea of junk food. A turkey grinder, from Pizza de action in Holyoke, Ma. What can be better than sitting back, working on homework while someone else cooks for you and delivers it to your door. I will admit I don't eat like this to often but the ingredients are top notch and it always arrives 30 minutes later, toasty warm, wrapped in white paper and stuffed into a brown paper bag.
I can hardly wait for my husband to sit down with me before I tear into the wrapper. The top of the roll is golden brown and perfectly cooked. Along the side a layer of mayo, melted mozzarella cheese, real sliced turkey (yup that's right unprocessed, slow roasted turkey), lettuce and tomatoes all trying to escape out onto the crinkled white paper.
The first bite was amazing and my taste buds danced to be free from the liquid diet of the past week.
I was happy, if even for one minute and that is about how long it was before chaos ensued with the three little girls who were jumping on their beds long after they were supposed to have been asleep. I rose, hating to part with my "for the moment obsession", but rose I did. The only good thought occupying my mind was that I had the rest of my treat to come back to after I was finished with the little troublemakers. 
Just one of the many little pleasures in life...says the tired and hungry mom


  1. I remember Chinese food being a staple takeout for my mom when I used to get sick. Looks like a fantastic sandwich!

  2. The staple at my house was frozen pizzas and it was usually on Fridays. I can't lie, I still enjoy a nice big slice of that thin-crust, spinach and feta pizza when I am home.

  3. I remember having Jello when I was sick and my mom would top it with whipped cream. Naturally I would just eat the whipped cream and barely touch the Jello that I thought was repulsive (I still can't eat it!)
    It's nice to treat yourself from time to time to take-out and a robust sandwich. Would you ever consider trying to recreate it at home?

  4. There is a GREAT grinder place in a not-great-at-all town in Southern, Vermont (Rutland) called Gil's Grinders. They use heaps of cabbage instead of lettuce which might sound yucky if you have an aversion to cabbage (which I do) but it is heavenly. This post made me crave a Gil's Grinder. As a connoisseur of grinders, maybe it would be worth the trip for you sometime.

    Also, I can't help thinking about the regional slang for this kind of sandwich - there's hoagie, grinder, sub, etc., and if you say any of them in the wrong place you're likely to be met with looks of confusion.
