Tuesday, February 18, 2014

How Vegetarians Will Win in the End

From the remarkable Dinosaur Comics, by Ryan North:

North always includes scroll-over text on these comics.  On this one, it reads "take a bite of this radish-flavored cow.  gross, right?  now try this carrot that tastes like pig flesh.  way better, right?  yeah, i think you're a vegetarian now."


  1. I like how North is subtly drawing attention to the ickiness of meat-flavored vegetable products.

  2. This is funny and informative! I actually didn't know what the faux meant was made out of, vegetables! Of course!

  3. It is extremely intriguing to think of vegetarianism in this way. Why would those who have chosen to eliminate meat from their diet want to be reminded of the very foods they have given up at every meal? I've gone back and forth with vegetarianism several times, and I never like the fake-meat-masquerading-as-real-meat; in my opinion there are plenty of ways to enjoy tofu and the like without disguising it.

  4. This reminds me of the time that I went to Tyler, picked out a breaded chicken cutlet, and then found out (rather quickly), that it was actually a vegan cutlet. However, at face value, it was rather easy to mistake them for one another. I definitely agree with Becca's comment, I find this idea pretty ironic. But perhaps it's more to satisfy those deep and often squashed cravings for crispy breading or tasty tangy barbecue sauce they smother tempeh ribs with, and not the actual meat itself?

  5. If there is one argument to counter vegetarianism, it is definitely the processed foods dilemma. This comic is so clever in the way it pokes fun at the future of processing food!

  6. I have no words for this. I don't understand why people persistently look into other people's plates to crises.
